Jakub Chudzicki came from Głuszyna, came to Luboń around 1880, soon married Barbara Remlein (sister of the then mayor of Luboń - Andrzej Remlein) and farmed in Luboń and Lasek. The lands belonging to the Chudzicki family were located in the vicinity of the former and current Chudzickiego Street and along today's 1 Maja street (including today's Primary School 4). They also leased agricultural land in Wiry. Jakub Chudzicki's descendants are very proud of him and emphasize the fact that he belonged to the church supervision and the parish representation of the Wirowów church, as well as the fact that, as a representative of the school supervision, he was one of the founders of the Polish school in Luboń.
Piotr Ruszkowski